Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Sean and me watching Life on Discovery Channel...

Sean: Did you hear that?
Me: What?
Sean: What Oprah said.
Me: Um, she's the narrator so she's saying lots of things.
Sean: I'm talking about how she said "ecosystem".
Me: I didn't notice anything strange.


Sean: There! She said it again!
Me (exasperated): What?!
Sean (irritated at my lack of comprehension, his fingers stabbing the rewind button on the DVR remote): "Ecosystem"!
Me (now also irritated): Stop rewinding!  It will take us all night to watch this one hour episode and I'm sure she'll say it again.
Sean (determined): Wait.  Now listen....

                    Oprah: ....blah blah....ecosystem....blah blah.....

Me: So?
Sean: Did you hear that?
Me (about to punch a man): Obviously I did not hear what you heard so break it down for me, K?
Sean (huffing): She says "ECHO-system".
Me: Huh?
Sean: "ECHO-system" instead of "Eco-system".
Me (kinda paying attention now): Really?  Rewind it.

                   Oprah: ....blah blah....ECHO-system....blah blah....

Me (lightbulb flickering): Oooohhhhh.
Sean (triumphant): Annoying isn't it?
Me (feeling the Oprah hate welling): Yeah...
Silence as we watch more Life, then....

                      Oprah...blah blah.......ECHO-system....blah blah....
More time goes by..... 

                      Oprah....blah blah.....ECHO-system....blah blah....

Me (vein pulsing in forhead): Oh my gods!  That is bugging the fuck out of me!
Sean (eyes glued to the TV, nodding distractedly): Uh-huh.
Me (glaring at Sean): Why did you have to point that out?  Now I can't stop hearing it!
Sean (eyes still riveted to the desert Chameleon, a smug little smile on his face):  I know.
Me (resigned): I hate you.
Sean: I know.
Me: Just kidding, I'm only annoyed with you.
Sean (still watching the TV): I know.


Heather Howell said...

You made me LOL...literally. The over-usage of 'lol' in every day emails, text, etc has forced me to emphasize a real LOL.

candacesue said...

Haha, I can totally picture this exchange, you guys are cute :)